Hot stone Massage

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The hot stone massage uses volcanic stones heated in hot water. The therapist places them along the back, on points known as chakras.

The heat released from the hot black stones apply to these energy centers of the body with a special massage and with ayurvedic massage techniques.

Our skillful therapists turn stones into an extension of their hands, relieving directly from muscle aches and balancing the body’s energy. By using aromatic essential oils, the hot stone massage still has a more calming and relaxing effect on the body, causing overall wellness in the treated.

The hot stone massage is indicated for cases of therapeutic intervention affecting holistic body and spirit.

Book an appointment for a soothing massage at your place in Athens.

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  • Offers deep relaxation and release from stress
  • Eliminates tension and relieves muscle pains
  • Increases blood circulation and improves metabolism
  • Reduces muscle stiffness and muscle spasms
  • Reliefs from musculoskeletal and rheumatological pains
  • Increases the elasticity of the skin and joints
  • Absorption of negative energy and improvement of hormonal balance