Slimming Massage

The slimming massage is a multilevel intervention in the body, which combines techniques from lymph, ayurvedic massage and reflexology. It is essentially a kind -three in one- recommended to combat localized fat and cellulite.

It uses special Ayurvedic heating essential oils combined with mud, clay, seaweed and herbs or anticellulite cream with fat burning and detoxifying properties. Our specially trained therapists focus on the affected areas, while special reflexological massage and gentle rhythmic pressure on the lymphatic pathways, improve blood circulation and decongest the lymph.

The slimming massage acts on the circulatory and lymphatic system.

Book an appointment for a soothing massage at your place in Athens.

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  • Improves blood circulation
  • Detoxification and body toning
  • Reduces local cellulite
  • Fights local fat
  • Improves skin texture
  • Contributes to weight loss
  • Body contour remodeling