Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage is indicated by and after the third month of pregnancy and highly recommended to all pregnant women who have a normal pregnancy. Applied all over the body with proper placement of the pregnant woman in the supine or lateral stance and using a special bed or pillow, depending on the stage of pregnancy.

Made with different techniques and special massage but mainly focusing on the muscles and distressed areas. Herbal aromatic oils permitted for pregnancy massage that specifically and primarily include almond and chamomile tea, lemon and lavender.

Just because the body is experiencing changes, intervention by our specialized therapists can help a lot the pregnant, and the fetus. The body releases tension , blood circulation improves and the hormonal balance is adjusted.

Book an appointment for a soothing massage in your place in Athens.

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  • Relieves edema and relieves muscle cramps
  • Reduces pain in back, torso, neck and legs
  • Improves blood circulation and decongests the limbs
  • Reduces stiffness and joint pains
  • Contributes to detoxification through the lymphatic system
  • Reduces insomnia and improves the quality of sleep
  • Reduces the levels of the stress hormone
  • Increases the level of euphoric hormones
  • Offers tranquility and well-being to the pregnant and infant